Abelmoschus esculentus

Herb, petals are red at the base. Fruit is used as a vegetable.

Abelmoschus manihot

Persistent epi-calyx.

Abrus precatorius

Climber, fruits bear red seeds. In ancient times, the seeds were used by jewellers to weigh gold.

Abrus precatorius (white seed)

Climber. The seeds of this plant which is known locally as Sweta Gunjia have toxic properties but are used for medicinal purposes.

Abutilon indicum

Herb, heart shaped leaf with dentate margins.

Acacia concinna

Woody climber, sharp curved spines on stem. Dried fruit is used as a shampoo.

Acampe praemorsa

Epiphyte having attractive yellow flowers with black stripes.

Acanthus ilicifolius

Shrub, leaves with spines. Very important mangrove associate.

Achyranthes aspera

Herb, prickly fruits. Monsoon plant whose leaves are used as a vegetable.

Acorus calamus

Perennial wetland herb, leaves and rhizomes scented. Dried roots are used to cure wide variety of ailments.

Actinodaphne angustifolia / Actinodaphne gullavara / Actinodaphne hookeri

Tree, leaves arranged in whorled pattern and soft.

Adhatoda zeylanica / Justicia adhatoda

Shrub, bark yellowish, leaves dark green above, pale beneath. Leaves are used in treating asthma and bronchitis.

Adiantum sp.

Fern with thin black rachis. Excellent in preventing soil erosion.

Aegle marmelos

Tree, three leaflets. Fruit used to make juices, jams and preserve.

Aerides multiflora

Epiphyte, strap-shaped bi-lobed leaves.

Ailanthus excelsa

Tree, leaves unequal at base, toothed margins.

Alangium salviifolium

Small, bushy tree, short trunk. Fragrant flower petals curl backwards to allow the stamens and stigma to be seen prominently.

Albizia lebbeck

Tree, pods persistent till next flowering.

Albizia procera

Tree, greenish yellow bark. Avenue tree and wood provides good timber.

Allium cepa

Herb. Most commonly used plant in Indian cuisine.

Allium cepa (small)

Both the bulb and leaves of the common onion are edible and it is one of the most widely cultivated plants in the world.

Alocasia decipiens

Herb, leaves with strongly visible venation.

Alpinia calcarata

This herb has white with yellow and red variegated fragrant flowers resembling snapdragons.

Alpinia galanga

The flowers in terminal spikes, are white with deep red-veining on the lip-petals.

Alstonia scholaris

Trees, leaves 7 arranged in whorled pattern. Slate frames were prepared from this wood.

Alternanthera sessilis

Herb, runner, white, star shaped flowers at the leaf axils. A very common weed that attracts butterflies.

Amaranthus retroflexus

This flowering plant is eaten as a vegetable in different places of the world. Used in Kerala to make a dish called thoran.

Amaranthus spinosus

Herb, erect stem with red tinge.

Amomum subulatum

Herb, stem underground, aromatic leaves.

Amoora rohituka / Aphanamixis polystachya

Tree, compound leaves, with basal pair smallest.

Amorphophallus commutatus

Herb, tubers, flowers with foetid smell. Its young inflorescence is used as a vegetable during monsoon.

Amorphophallus paeoniifolius

Herb, leaf base with white dots. Underground stem is used as a vegetable.

Anacyclus pyrethrum

Herb with numerous stem. Widely used in folk medicine.

Anagallis arvensis

Herb with trailing and spreading branches.

Anagallis arvensis (blue)

A low growing annual plant also called the blue pimpernel. Now naturalised almost the world over.

Andrographis paniculata

Herb, branches sharply quadrangular.

Andropogon annulatus / Dichanthium annulatum


Anogeissus acuminata / Anogeissus pendula

Tree, leafy branches hang down gracefully.

Anogeissus latifolia

Tree, drooping branches. Very good fuel wood.

Anthocephalus indicus / Neolamarckia cadamba

Tree, fissured bark, branches horizontal. Evergreen avenue tree.

Antidesma ghaesembilla

Tree, branches, warty, young leaves velvety, pubescent all over.

Aquilaria agallocha

Tree, wood aromatic. Used in medicines for asthma.

Areca catechu

Palm, presence of prominent scars of fallen leaves. Seed is eaten with 'paan�.

Argyreia nervosa

Climber, young leaves folded on the mid rib.

Aristolochia indica

Climber, stem grooved, flowers upside down. Used in traditional medicines to cure snakebites.

Artabotrys hexapetalus

Large climbing shrub, branches woody hooked. Used in perfumery.

Artemisia absinthium

Herb, yellowish flower heads, whole plant pubescent, silvery appearance.

Artocarpus heterophyllus

Tree, dark brown bark. Fruit is widely eaten and also a favourite of elephants.

Asparagus racemosus

Woody climber with stem modified in to leaves. Prickly climber and roots have medicinal properties.

Asplenium nidus

Fern, look like bird nest, spore arrangement near midrib.

Asystasia gangetica

The word gangetica is derived from the Ganges River in India. This ground cover attracts all kinds of insects.

Azadirachta indica

Tree, aromatic, small curved leaflets with dentate margins.

Azanza lampas

Shrub, 3 lobed, leaves smooth on upper surface and hairy beneath.

Bacopa monnieri

Herb, runner with fleshy stem. Plant extract is used for making hair oil.

Baliospermum montanum

Herb, leaves toothed with undulations. Used to treat liver disorders.

Bambusa arundinacea / Bambusa bambos

Bamboo, thorny lower braches are long and wiry. Used to treat respiratory disorders.

Bambusa balcooa

Bamboo, nodes thickened with whitish ring above, hairy beneath.

Bambusa multiplex

It grows up to 15 feet. The flowers are hermaphrodite i.e. they have both male and female organs.

Bambusa tuldoides Munro

Bamboo, swollen internodes. Commonly planted in gardens for its uniquely shaped internodes.

Bambusa vulgaris

Bamboo, stem yellowish with green stripes.

Barleria cristata

Shrub, flowers opposite, leaf axils.

Barleria cuspidata

Shrub, slender spines occur in leaf axils. Common plant of the Western Ghats which flowers post monsoon.

Barleria grandiflora

Shrub, nodes are swollen and hairy.

Barleria involucrata

Shrub, flowers occur in large branches.

Barleria obtusa

A pretty shrub, also known as bush violet because of the dense cover of its violet flowers.

Barleria prionitis

Shrub, leaf base has 3-5 sharp pale coloured spines.

Barleria terminalis

Shrub, hairy branches. Used in healing wounds.

Barringtonia acutangula

Tree, rough fissured bark, dark grey.

Barringtonia asiatica

Tree, large leaves, broad at apex narrow at base, young leaves born with pinkish veins. Seeds & fruits float on water while trying to locate spot for germination.

Basella alba

Herb, heart shaped leaves. Good source of iron.

Bauhinia purpurea

Tree, deeply notched leaves. Flower buds are used to make chutney.

Bauhinia racemosa

Tree, small drooping branches, thick leaves. Juice of leaves is useful in healing old wounds.

Bauhinia variegata

Tree, bark grey with black patches.

Beaumontia grandiflora

Climber, woody stem.

Beta vulgaris

Herb, stem reddish. Roots contain silica which helps the body absorb calcium efficiently.

Biophytum sensitivum

Herb, hairy, leaflet larger towards apex.

Bombax ceiba

Tree, palmate leaves, bark thickly spiny. Flowers are devoured by wild animals.

Borassus flabellifer

Palm, fan shaped leaves. Fruit pulp is edible.

Boswellia serrata

Tree, bark papery ash coloured peeling off in large flex, leaves compound. Resin is highly valued for its medicinal properties.

Brassica juncea

Herb, thin basal leaves with strong aroma. Famous dish 'sarso ka saag' is prepared from its leaves.

Bridelia retusa

Tree, large thorns on young branches, distinct venation. Common plant of the Western Ghats.

Buchanania cochinchinensis

Tree, dark grey crocodile bark with red blaze. Seeds are used to add flavour in many sweet dishes.

Buddleja asiatica

Shrub, branch from base, branches tomentose.

Butea monosperma

Tree, three leaflet with central bigger in size. Birds and insects love to feed on its nectar.

Caesalpinia bonduc

Climber, pods prickly seed red coloured. Grown along boundaries to create a natural fence.

Caesalpinia decapetala

Climber, armed with strong yellow hooked prickles.

Cajanus cajan

Herb, branches deeply hairy, pods depressed and hairy.

Calamus thwaitesii

Strong spiny climber, leaf sheath yellow-green. Stem is commonly used to make strong walking sticks.

Calophyllum inophyllum

Tree, leaves waxy with strong Midrib. Bark is used as an antiseptic.

Calotropis gigantea

Shrub, leaf stalkless, bark light hairy. Attracts lots of butterflies.

Calotropis procera

Shrub, bark soft, corky. Its milky latex is poisonous.

Calycopteris floribunda

Climbing shrub, branches rusty, leaves hairy. Giant woody climber.

Cananga odorata

Tree, braches slender drooping.

Canarium strictum

Tree, thick trunk with resinous Bark. Resin is highly valued as incense.

Capparis grandis

Shrub, stem covered with dark brown deeply cracked bark.

Careya arborea

Tree, leaves gathered at apex, broad at end narrow at base. Bark is the favourite food of wild boars.

Carissa carandas

Shrub, bark grey scaly, two sharp spine at leaf-base. Fruits are edible.

Carissa spinarum

Shrub, climbing shrub with curved spines.

Carvia callosa / Strobilanthes callosus

Shrub, stem quadrangular erect. Mass flowering after every seven years.

Caryota urens

Palm, leaflet resembles tail of a fish. Widely cultivated in gardens.

Cassia auriculata / Senna auriculata

Shrub, bark smooth reddish brown.

Cassia fistula

Tree, bark pale grey, leaflets bright green. Used in treating constipation and fever.

Cassia tora

Herb, basal pair of leaflets have conical gland.

Cassine glauca

Tree, with variable leaves.

Catunaregam spinosa

Tree, branches armed with long spines. Fruits are used as fish poison.

Celastrus paniculatus

Climber, large, woody, leaf base wedge shaped, pointed tips.

Celosia argentea

Herb, stem thick tinged with pink.

Centella asiatica

Herb, creeping stem, rooting at nodes, reddish. Given to children for memory development.

Cestrum diurnum

Shrub, leaves dark green and glossy.

Cestrum nocturnum

Shrubs, branches yellow. Flowers have a nice fragrance.

Chamaecostus cuspidatus / Costus igneus

Herb, spiral arrangement of leaves. Medicinal plant with antidiabetic properties.

Cheilocostus speciosus / Costus speciosus

Herb, dark green leaves, arranged spirally. Birds love to feed on its fruits.

Chloris barbata

Grass, purplish at nodes.

Chlorophytum borivilianum

Herb, leaves in rosette. Used in many medicines.

Chonemorpha fragrans

This climber is called Frangipani vine because the fragrant white flowers resemble the Frangipani.

Chrysanthemum indicum

Flowers contain �pyrethrins� which attack the nervous systems of all insects, and inhibit female mosquitoes from biting.

Chrysopogon zizanioides

Khus squash made from this vetiver grass. Also grown to prevent soil erosion. Extracts used to prevent termites. Used in perfumerry.

Chukrasia tabularis

Tree, leaflets unequal, smooth beneath.

Cicer arietinum

Herb, leaves small, feathery.

Cinnamomum tamala

Tree, tough, three veined leaves. Leaves are used as a spice.

Cinnamomum verum

Tree, crooked trunk with smooth thick bark. Bark is used as a spice and flavoring agent.

Cipadessa baccifera

Shrub, young branches covered with yellow velvety hairs.

Cissus discolour / Cissus javana

Climber, stem red , hairless, tendrils forked.

Cissus quadrangularis

Climber, quadrangular, sectioned branches. Stem is very effective in strengthening bones and joints.

Cissus woodrowii

Though a shrub is called Woodrow�s Grape tree because the leaves look like a grape vine. Endemic to Western Ghats.

Citrus limon

Tree, mildly fragrant flowers. Fruit pulp is helpful against gastric acidity.

Citrus maxima / Citrus paradisi

Tree, crooked trunk, young branches hairy, thorny.

Citrus medica

Tree, stiff branches and twigs with spine in leaf axils.

Citrus sinensis

Tree, leaves shiny , leathery with narrow wings on petiole.

Clematis gouriana

Climber, stem brown, grooved, flowers fragrant. Common medicinal climber of the Western Ghats.

Cleome gynandra

Herb, green to pink pigmentation on leaf petiole.

Cleome rutidosperma

Herbal, stem angular.

Cleome viscosa

Herb, stem hairy.

Clerodendrum indicum

Shrub, small leaves toothed margins.

Clerodendrum inerme / Volkameria inermis

Shrub, branches terminal, dense bush.

Clerodendrum serratum

Shrub, leaves opposite, in threes, papery, dented. Monsoon plant used as a vegetable.

Clitoria annua / Clitoria biflora

Climber, endemic to Bombay presidency.

Clitoria ternatea (blue)

Climber, upside down flowers, look like cow ears.

Clitoria ternatea (white)

Belongs to the pea family (leguminosae). Its roots fix nitrogen and, therefore, it improves soil quality.

Coccinia grandis

Climber, deeply lobed leaves.

Cochlospermum religiosum

Tree, leaves at the tip of the branches and palmately lobed. Fruits resemble the shell of a snail.

Cocos nucifera

Palm, leaves crowned on top.

Colebrookea oppositifolia

Shrub, opposite light green leaves, crowded at the branches end.

Coleus forskohlii / Plectranthus barbatus / Plectranthus forskhlii


Colocasia esculenta

Herb, tuberous bulb, big peltate leaves like elephant ear. Grows in wet fields near ponds.

Colocasia esculenta blck stalks

The leaves are so large that the plant is sometimes called Elephant ears. The roots or corms are edible and called Taro.

Combretum albidum

Large woody climber, leaves roundish at base, pale beneath.

Combretum indicum / Quisqualis indica

Large climber, thin papery leaves.

Commelina benghalensis

Herb, leaves flat, ovate , hairy with frilly margin. Monsoon plant used as a vegetable.

Commelina forsskalii

Herb, stem branched rooted at nodes.

Commiphora wightii

Shrub, branches covered with papery bark.

Convolvulus microphyllus / Convolvulus prostratus

Herb, stem velvety with hairs.

Cordia dichotoma

Tree, bark grayish brown, longitudinally wrinkled. Fruit is pickled.

Coriandrum sativum

Herb, aromatic leaves and stem. Used in cooking for flavour and garnishing.

Crateva adansonii / Crateva religiosa

Useful against urinary disorders.

Crescentia cujete

Tree, twisting branches, leaves clustered at the nodes. Dried fruit is used in making containers.

Crinum latifolium

Herb, large, pink and white striped flowers. A common monsoon ephemeral.

Crinum latifolium giganteum

Lily, big in size.

Crossandra infundibuliformis (orange, yellow)

Shrub, glossy leaves. Cultivated in gardens for its attractive flowers.

Crotalaria filipes

Herb, heart shaped leaves with silky hairs.

Crotalaria retusa

Herb, stem ridged velvety with short hairs.

Crotalaria spectabilis

Herb, many branches covered with hairs, leaves wedged shaped at base. Attracts lots of butterflies.

Cryptolepis buchanani

Climber, rope like stem.

Cucumis melo

Climber, leaves kidney shaped, 5-7 lobes.

Cucumis sativus

Climber, leaves triangular, prickly.

Curculigo orchioides

Herb, leaves folded lengthwise. Common monsoon plant of deciduous regions.

Curcuma aromatica

Herb, flowers pinkish-white.

Curcuma longa

Known for its medicinal properties. Contains curcumin which is antibacterial, antiviral, anti-tumour, anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant.

Curcuma pseudomontana

Herb, yellow-pink flowers. Used in traditional medicine.

Cyanotis cristata

Herb, branches slightly hairy.

Cycas circinalis

Gymnosperm, leather like leaves, crowned at top of the trunk.

Cyclea peltata

Twining shrub, leaves heart shaped.

Cymbopogon citratus

Grass, leaves aromatic. Commonly use in teas, soups, curries and also in aromatherapy.

Cymbopogon nardus

Grass. Repels mosquitos.

Cynodon dactylon

Grass, leaf blade short with rough edges. Hardy perennial grass.

Cyperus alternifolius

Sedges, leaf blades arranged like umbrella on top of the stem.

Cyperus rotundus

Called the �world�s worst weed� since it is a very invasive species. Has spread world wide to over 90 countries.

Daedalacanthus roseus / Eranthemum roseum


Dalbergia lanceolaria

Tree, rounded at the base.

Dalbergia latifolia

Tree, bark grey thin with irregular short cracks, peeling in fibrous longitudinal flakes.

Dalbergia sissoo

Tree, leaves dark green. Evergreen tree used to make furniture.

Datura metel

Shrub, leaf dented, unequal at base. One of the most poisonous plants.

Daucus carota

Herb, finely dissected leaf with triangular outline.

Dendrocalamus brandisii

One of the largest tropical clumping bamboos in the world.

Dendrocalamus giganteus Munro

Bamboo. Used for construction work.

Dendrocalamus hamiltonii

Dull green culms covered with whitish-brown hairs, which become dull brownish-green when dry. Whitish bands occur below and above the nodes.

Dendrocalamus strictus

Grass, densely tufted, much curved, not hollow inside. Used in papermills as raw material.

Derris scandens

As the name Jewel Vine suggests, the rose coloured flowers are an inflorescence of pea-like flowers, twice as long as the leaves.

Derris trifoliata

Climber. Grows in mangrove areas. Leaves contain rotenone, a poison that kills a wide range of creatures � insects, earthworms, fish.

Desmodium gangeticum

Herb, leaves hairy beneath.

Desmostachya bipinnata

Grass, lower leaf sheath leathery.

Dichrostachys cinerea

Tree, flowers half pink half yellow.

Dillenia indica

Tree, large leaves, dented margins, deep venation. Insect pollinated plant.

Dioscorea bulbifera

Climber, single leaf at each node, heart shaped. It has tuberous root stocks.

Dioscorea hispida

Climber, three leaves at each node, 3-5 veins from the base.

Diospyros montana

Tree, think large leaves, blunt at tip, smooth above, velvety below. Dried leaves are used in making 'bidis'.

Dolichos lablab

Climber, triangular leaflet, purplish green. Beans/seeds used as a vegetable.

Duchesnea indica

Creeper, trifoliate leaves.

Ecbolium viride

Shrub, long pointed dark green leaves, bracts present.

Eclipta alba

Herb, entirely velvety, rooting at nodes.

Elaeocarpus ganitrus

Tree. Highly threatened species.

Eleusine indica

It has a particularly tough root system and is hard to pull out.

Embelia ribes

Shruby climber, leaves shining and glandular.

Entada rheedii

Woody climber. It has the largest dicot seed.

Erythrina indica

Tree, spines on young branches. Brilliant red coloured flowers.

Erythrina stricta

Tree, bark smooth, branches prickly.

Erythrina stricta var. suberosa

Tree, bark light grey , deeply grooved and cracked.

Euphorbia caducifolia

Succulent shrub, red leaves.

Euphorbia hirta

Herb, pinkish red stem.

Euphorbia neriifolia

Succulent shrub, twisting columnar branches. Used to cure abdominal problems.

Evolvulus alsinoides

Spreading herb, hairy branches.

Exbucklandia populnea

Tree, bark fissured with adhering scales.

Ficus amplissima

Tree, long petiole.

Ficus arnottiana

Tree, leaves with wavy margins, leaf stalk and veins are bright red.

Ficus benghalensis

Tree, large aerial roots. National tree of India.

Ficus benghalensis var. krishnae

Pocket like fold at the base of the leaf. It has anti diabetic properties.

Ficus benjamina (green)

Tree, large aerial roots. National tree of India.

Ficus carica

Tree, lobed leaves. Ripe fruits are edible.

Ficus drupacea

Tree, smooth yellowish velvety hairs all over.

Ficus elastica

Tree, new leaf developed inside a reddish sheath.

Ficus infectoria / Ficus virens

Tree, shiny leaves with short tip.

Ficus microcarpa / Ficus retusa

Tree, smooth grey bark and dangling aerial roots.

Ficus racemosa

Tree, galls present on the leaf. Bark has astringent properties.

Ficus religiosa

Tree, leaves heart shaped at base and tailed at tip.

Ficus tinctoria

Tree, leaves often asymmetrical.

Filicium decipiens

Tree, winged rachis. Found in evergreen and semi-evergreen forests.

Firmiana colorata

Tree, lobed leaves, flowers foul smelling. Bears orange coloured, tube shaped flowers.

Flemingia strobilifera

Shrub, flowers enclosed in large leaf-like bracts.

Garcinia indica

Tree, glossy and leathery Leaves. Endemic to the Western Ghats.

Garcinia talbotii

Tree, branch-lets angular.

Gardenia gummifera

Shrub, leaves dark green glossy with leathery texture. Used as an astringent.

Gardenia jasminoides

Shrub, flowers fragrant.

Gardenia latifolia

Shrub, bark greenish grey peeling, rounded depressions.

Garuga pinnata

Tree, bark light grey, scar of fallen leaves. Fruits are edible and used as a vegetable.

Glochidion ellipticum

Tree, branched angular.

Gloriosa superba

Climber, notched tip adapted for climbing.

Gmelina arborea

Tree, bark grey coloured Exfoliating. One of the best timbers of the tropical region.

Gmelina asiatica

Tree, spiny bark, leaves variable.

Gnidia glauca

Shrub, thin finger like leaves almost arranged in whorls, without stock. Used as pesticide and fish poison.

Gomphrena globosa

Herb, stem stiff, leaves white hairy.

Gossypium hirsutum

Shrub, heart shaped leaf.

Grewia asiatica

Tree, broad oval leaves with toothed margins. Bark is used as a soap substitute.

Grewia tiliifolia

Tree, 3 nerves from the base of the leaf. Bark and fruit juice applied externally to relieve itching.

Gymnema sylvestre

Climber, rooting at nodes, leaf smooth above and velvety beneath. Used to treat diabetes.

Gynura cusimbua

Succulent herb angular stem, branched at the top.

Haldina cordifolia

Tree, heart shaped leaves, light grey bark. Wood is used in making matchsticks.

Hedychium coronarium

Herb, bulbs, flowers fragrant, butterfly shaped.

Helicteres isora

Shrub, leaves three nerved at the base, mid rib light coloured. Dried fruits are used to cure stomach aches in children.

Heliotropium indicum

Herb, flowers arranged like scorpion�s tail (tip coiled). Found around lake shores and paddy fields.

Hemidesmus indicus

Herb, spreads on larger area, white, distinct mid rib. Attracts lots of butterflies.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Translates as �Chinese Rose� though it is not a rose. Believed to have come from India. Found imprinted on the notes and coins of Malaysia.

Hibiscus sabdariffa

Shrub, leaves deeply 3-5 lobed.

Hibiscus vitifolius / Kosteletzkya vitifolia

Herb, grapelike leaves, densely velvety hairy all over.

Hiptage benghalensis / Hiptage madablota

Climber, crooked stem.

Holarrhena pubescens

Large shrub, light green broad Leaves. Roots are used in Ayurvedic medicines.

Holmskioldia sanguinea

Herb, leaves oval with slightly dentate margins.

Holoptelea integrifolia

Tree, bark covered with bristles, peeling in corky scales.

Hoya wightii

Climber, leaves thick, bluntly long pointed with narrow base.

Hydnocarpus pentandrus

Tree, fissured bark, blaze pinkish, leaves with long pointed tips.

Impatiens balsamina

Herb, small leaves, dentate margin, pinkish stem.

Indigofera cassioides

Shrub, leaflets velvety on both sides. Used to treat leprosy.

Ipomoea batatas

Climber, heart shape base of the leaf. Underground stem is edible.

Ipomoea cairica

Creeper, leaves hairless, 5-7 lobed, middle lobe larges.

Ipomoea pes-caprae

Runner, leaves hoof-like, thick. Natural sand binder seen on sandy beaches.

Ixora coccinea

Shrub, leaves coriaceous, leaf base rounded. Fruits are edible.

Ixora parviflora

Tree, much branched, leaves variable.

Jasminum arborescens

White fragrant flowers. Long petals and thin looking like small stars on the plant. Flowers in April and May.

Jasminum auriculatum

Climbing bushy plant.

Jasminum grandiflorum

Climbing shrub, angular grooved branches. Used to make flower garlands.

Jasminum humile

Shrub, winged rachis of leaves.

Jasminum malabaricum

Species of flowering plant in the family Oleaceae, native to southern parts of India, and Sri Lanka.

Jasminum multiflorum

Stark white flowers. Especially sacred to Vishnu. In Manipur, these flowers are an essential part of a marriage ceremony.

Jasminum sambac

Some of the best perfumes and agarbattis are made with this flower. Used for all kinds of festive occasions.

Kaempferia galanga

Becomes dormant in winter. The rhizomes of the plant, have medicinal properties which can cure indigestion, colds, abdominal pains and headaches.

Kopsia fruticosa

Herb, leaves, deeply grooved on upper surface.

Lagerstroemia indica

Multi-stemmed, deciduous tree. Popular nesting tree for songbirds and wrens. Pink, white, mauve, purple flowers on different trees.

Lagerstroemia lanceolata / Lagerstroemia microcarpa

Tree, bark light grey, peeling.

Lagerstroemia speciosa

Large tree, spotted bark. State flower of Maharashtra.

Lawsonia inermis

Shrub, aromatic leaves.

Leea indica

Shrub, variable leaves. Flowers attract butterflies and young stem is used as a vegetable.

Lonicera hypoleuca

Shrub, small blunt leaves, flower tube with swollen base.

Madhuca longifolia var. longifolia

Tree, light green, broad oval leaves, arranged at the end of the branch. Flowers are delicious and nutritive.

Magnolia champaca / Michelia champaca

Tree, light green leaves wavy margin.

Magnolia grandiflora

Tree, large, thick, leathery dark green leaves.

Mallotus philippensis

Tree, light green leaves, reddish gland can be seen in the sunlight. Natural dye for silk and wool.

Mammea suriga

Tree, thick, waxy, dark green leaves, mid rib stout and prominent. Endemic to the Western Ghats.

Manilkara hexandra

Tree, deep green leaves, closely clustered towards end of the branchlet with conspicuous scars. Host plant for grafting Chickoo.

Mappia foetida / Nothapodytes foetida / Nothapodytes nimmoniana

Tree, stem short, crooked, bark wrinkled, flowers foetid smelling. Endangered plant of the Western Ghats.

Melastoma malabathricum

Climber, broad leaves with 3 prominent parallel veins, bristly haired beneath. Used as an outdoor garden plant.

Melia azedarach

Tree, bark reddish brown fissured, leaves pointed and dented. Planted in gardens for its canopy.

Melocanna baccifera

Once approximately in 48 years this Muli bamboo flowers and the forests burst into bloom leaving large quantities of fleshy fruits.

Mentha arvensis

Herb, aromatic leaves.

Mentha canadensis

Herb, aromatic leaves with deep reticulate venation.

Mentha piperita

Herb, leaves dark with reddish veins.

Mesua ferrea

Tree, fragrant flower, dark green leaves whithish beneath. Flowers are fragrant.

Miliusa tomentosa

Tree, bark blackish brown, thick leathery leaves.

Millingtonia hortensis

Tree flowers fragrant, bark dark and smooth with blisters. Commonly planted along roads and highways.

Mimusops elengi

Tree, dark plain bark, leaves with pointed tips. Wood is used in making agricultural implements and tools.

Mitragyna parvifolia

Tree, oval leaves, broad at tip narrow at base. Flowers attract butterflies.

Morinda pubescens

Tree, bark fissured, leaves broad ovate. Fruits is consumed during famines.

Moringa oleifera

Tree, bark light grey, corky.

Morus alba / Morus indica

Tree, large, thick blunt toothed, lobed laves.

Moullava spicata

Climber, branches armed with re-curved prickles.

Mucuna pruriens

Climber, 3 leaflets, grey silky beneath, terminal leaflet smaller.

Murraya exotica

Shrub, multi trunked, waxy leaves.

Murraya koenigii

Tree, aromatic leaves with unequal base.

Murraya paniculata

Shrub, bark smooth yellowish grey, terminal leaflet, larger, rhomboid.

Musa paradisiaca

Above-ground part of the banana plant known as is a "false stem" or pseudostem, consisting of leaves and their fused bases.

Mussaenda frondosa

Tree, cream yellow bract, flowers yellow.

Mussaenda glabrata

Tree, cream yellow bract, red Flowers. Grows along rivers and streams.

Myristica fragrans

Tree, leaves shining above. Used as a spice.

Nelumbo nucifera

Aquatic climber, horizontal rhizomes, flowers above water on long stalk. National flower of India.

Nerium indicum / Nerium oleander

Large shrub, anthers hairy.

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis

Tree, bark grey, rough, wrinkled, branches four angled, rough leaves.

Nymphaea nouchali

Aquatic herb, leaves blotched with purple beneath.

Nymphaea pubescens

Aquatic herb, leaves deeply heart shaped at the base, velvety and veined beneath.

Nymphoides indica

Aquatic herb, petals white, yellow in centre, covered with long cottony hairs.

Ochna integerrima / Ochna obtusata

Tree, glossy leaves, red seed cup looks like cartoon face hence the English common name.

Ocimum basilicum

Herb, leaves, oval, aromatic.

Ocimum citriodorum

This herb is called Lemon Basil because of its strong lemon scent. Used in Thai, Indonesian and Arabic food.

Ocimum gratissimum

Herb, stem covered with minute hair-like structures.

Ocimum lemon

Used for cooking. White flowers, leaves similar to basil leaves, but tend to be narrower.

Ocimum sanctum / Ocimum tenuiflorum

Herb, leaves aromatic, stem reddish.

Olea dioica

Tree, bark grey, smooth.

Opuntia elatior

Shrub, succulent, 2-5 spines clustered , straight, slender. Used in combating desertification.

Origanum majorana

Herb, multi branched stem, stems take roots where they touch the soil, forming mound.

Origanum vulgare

Herb, hairy leaves and bracts, white flower.

Oroxylum indicum

Tree, bark soft, light brown, leaf rachis, stout, cylindrical. Largest leaf in dicotyledons.

Oryza sativa

Herb, grass. Oldest domesticated crop.

Pandanus amaryllifolius

Large shrub, long straight leaves, aromatic.

Pandanus odorifer

Tree, leaves spiny bluish green fragrant. Serve as wind breakers along the sea shore.

Pandanus sp. (dwarf)

Sweet odour of the leaves used to flavour rice and other food in Asian countries.

Pavetta crassicaulis

Shrub, branches smooth, yellow.

Pennisetum alopecuroides / Pennisetum hohenackeri

Grass, branches with thick roots, leaf blade tightly folded, ribbed on outsite.

Pennisetum glaucum

Grown in the Indian subcontinent and Africa since prehistoric times. Well adapted to grow in drought prone areas.

Pennisetum typhoides

A large grass used as a fodder crop.

Phaseolus aureus / Vigna radiata

Climber, stem twining, leaves lobed, flowers white, yellow or blue.

Phaseolus lunatus

Climber, twining stem.

Phoenix sylvestris

Palm, leaves gently re-curved, leaf base with spines near the base. Used to prepare a local drink called 'neera�.

Pholidota imbricata

Herb, epiphyte, grooved, four angled. Indicator species for air pollution.

Phragmites karka

Reed, perennial, erect clumps, leaves hairless, rough to touch beneath. Used as a pen-stick in olden days.

Phyla nodiflora

Called Vakkan in Marathi. Used as an ornamental ground cover, the inflorescence of flowers have a purple centre encircled by white to pink flowers.

Phyllanthus amarus / Phyllanthus niruri

Called stone breaker because it helps in the cure of kidney stones. Has small yellow flowers hidden below the leaves.

Phyllanthus emblica

Tree, trunk crooked.

Physalis minima

Herb, calyx covers entire fruit. Fruit is edible.

Piper arboreum

Climber, flowers appear candle like.

Piper betle

Climber, leaf bas cordate. Leaf has digestive properties.

Piper longum

Climber, perennial roots.

Piper nigrum

Climber, spreading vine, rooting where trailing stem touches the ground. Used as a spice.

Pisonia alba

Tree, light green shiny leaves.

Pisum sativum

The pea plant is one of the most nutritious leguminous vegetables in the world.

Plectranthus amboinicus

Herb, thick, hairy leaves.

Plumbago indica / Plumbago rosea

Herb, calyx tube covered with stalk sticky glands.

Plumbago zeylanica

Herb, fruit with soft spines. Attracts lots of butterflies.

Pogostemon benghalensis

Herb, whole plant has strong odour.

Polianthes tuberosa

Herb, tubers, flowers fragrant.

Polyalthia longifolia

Tree, branches drooping giving narrow columnar shape. Planted in gardens as sound absorbers.

Polygonum glabrum

Herb, often rooting at nodes.

Pongamia pinnata

Tree, leaves soft, shiny, often attacked by gall insects. Seed oil is used in skin ointments.

Portulaca oleracea

Herb, succulent, reddish stem.

Premna corymbosa

Shrub, leaves entire undulate. One of the 'dashamoolas' used in Ayurveda.

Psidium guajava

Tree, bark, ashy, flakey.

Pterocarpus santalinus

Tree, bark reddish in color.

Pueraria tuberosa

Herb, leaflet egg shaped, round at base unequal size.

Punica granatum

Slender branches, start out upright.

Putranjiva roxburghii

Tree, drooping branches, leaf margins undulating.

Radermachera xylocarpa

Tree, stem grey, soft and scaly.

Raphanus sativus

Herb, big leaves appearing from ground.

Rauvolfia serpentina

Shrub, leaves dark green above pale below arranged in whorls. Medicinally important plant.

Rhamphicarpa fistulosa

Herb, thin narrow leaflets, flower close during night.

Ricinus communis

Shrub, big lobed leaves, leafstalk long. Grows on waste land.

Rubia cordifolia

Climber, climbs with tiny hooks.

Saccharum officinarum

Grass, lower inter-node short, swollen.

Salix tetrasperma

Tree, young shoots and leaves are silky.

Salvadora indica

Tree, leaves dark green fleshy. Important mangrove associate.

Santalum album

Tree, root parasite seedling, reddish bark, smooth in young trees, cracked with red reveal.

Saraca asoca

Tree, young leaflets thin and pink. Mythologically important tree.

Sarcostemma brevistigma

Climber, stem green grey hairless.

Schleichera oleosa

Tree, leaves are bright pink-red when young. Known for bright red young foliage.

Schrebera swietenioides

Is called Weavers� Beam Tree because the wood is used by weavers to make the beam of the looms.

Semecarpus anacardium

Tree, stiff leaves rounded at tip. Used in marking laundry tags.

Senecio grahamii

Herb, bright yellow flowers.

Sesamum indicum (white)

Herb, leaves with undulate margin.

Sesamum orientale (pink)

Herb, fine pubescent leaves.

Sesbania grandiflora

Tree, bark corky, deeply furrowed.

Shorea robusta

Tree, bark with few long deep vertical furrows.

Sida acuta

Herb, leaves thin.

Sida rhombifolia

Herb, leaves rhomboid leaves, acute base.

Smilax zeylanica / Smilax macrophylla / Smilax ovalifolia

Climber, leaves leathery wedged shaped. Used as a wild vegetable.

Solanum nigrum

Herb, leaves deep green with dented margin, pointed tip.

Solanum virginianum / Solanum xanthocarpum

Herb, leaves unequal paired prickly along veins.

Spermadictyon suaveolens

Suaveolens means sweet scents and refers to the fragrant flowers of this shrub.

Stachytarpheta indica

Herb, stem quadrangular hairy.

Sterculia foetida

Tree, bark smooth, spotted with brown and faintly ridged, leaves palmate.

Sterculia urens

Tree, bark white, peeling off. Gum is commercially important.

Stereospermum tetragonum

Unusual flowers that are pale yellow with reddish purple veins.

Streblus asper

Tree, rough leaves.

Strobilanthes heyneanus

Shrub, long toothed leaves.

Strychnos nux vomica

Tree, leaves shiny, leathery, three nerved at the base. Seeds are highly poisonous.

Symphorema involucratum

Climbing shrub with cylindrical branch-lets, leaves densely velvety on underside.

Symplocos paniculata

The juice of the Saphire berry tree bark is applied externally to sprains and muscular swellings.

Syzygium cumini

Tree, light grey bark, leaves smooth glossy with turpentine smell. Used to treat diabetes.

Tabernaemontana divaricata (single)

Shrub, thin crooked stem.

Tabernaemontana sp. (double)

The stem of the taggar plant exudes a white milky latex when broken hence the name Milkwood has been given to this plant.

Tabernaemontana sp. (dwarf)

Mini-taggar is primarily used for ornamental purposes.

Tagetes sp.

Herb, narrow toothed leaflets, aromatic.

Tephrosia purpurea

Used as a fish poison; the leaves and seeds contain tephrosin, which paralyzes fish.

Terminalia arjuna

Tree, white, smooth bark, flakey. Bark is highly valued for its medicinal properties.

Terminalia bellirica

Tree, bark dark, dichotomous Branching. One of the three ingredients used in 'triphala churna'.

Terminalia catappa

Tree, horizontal, whorled branches, large leaves oval.

Terminalia tomentosa

Tree, bark crocodile, leaves with a gland at the base on under surface of the leaf.

Thespesia populnea

Tree, leaves heart shaped. Wood is used in making wheels of bullock carts.

Thunbergia fragrans

Herbaceous vine, leaves broad long pointed.

Thunbergia grandiflora

Herbaceous vine, dark green leathery heart shaped leaves.

Thunbergia mysorensis

This climber is also called lady's slipper vine, and dolls' shoes due to the shape of the large yellow flowers.

Thyrsostachys oliveri

The young shoots of this bamboo are harvested for the production of bamboo shoots.

Tinospora cordifolia

Climber, woody, giant, bark papery peeling out, ariel roots green wiry.

Trachyspermum ammi

Herb, stem grooved, feathery leaves.

Trema orientalis

Tree, bark smooth light grey with corky spots, leaves narrow rough, dentate Margins. Provides good quality charcoal.

Trichodesma indicum

A herb with hairy leaves and fruits having medicinal properties.

Tridax procumbens

Herb, slightly hairy stem, leaves dented. Attracts lots of butterflies.

Tylophora asthmatica / Tylophora indica

Climber, stem slender much branched velvety. Used to treat asthma.

Typha angustifolia / Typha angustata

Aquatic shrub. Medicinally important aquatic grass.

Uraria picta

Herb, branches velvety.

Urena lobata

Herb, stem reddish, shallow lobed leaves.

Vallaris solanacea / Vallaris heynei

Climbing shrub, stem grey, spotted bark with latex.

Vernonia cinerea

Herb, stem terret, striate, flower heads pink, delicate.

Vetiveria zizanioides

Grass, dried leaves aromatic. Root are used to make window screen and door mats.

Vigna unguiculata

Herb, stem pinched with purple, leaves trifoliate.

Vigna vexillata

Herb, twiner, stem with spreading silky hairs.

Vitex negundo (white)

Shrub, pointed leaves with 3-5 leaflets. Oil from the leaf is used for healing wounds.

Vitis vinifera

Climber, leaves palmately lobed.

Withania somnifera

Herb, fruit covered with papery calyx.

Woodfordia fruticosa

Shrub, bark thin, peels off in Flakes. Extract from flowers is commercially used for dyeing silk.

Wrightia arborea

Tree, densely velvety leaves, bark thick and corky.

Wrightia tinctoria

Tree, bark grey scaly. Leaves yield blue dye.

Zanthoxylum rhetsa

Tree, bark rough armed with large corky conical prickle, leaves palmate.

Zingiber officinale

Herb, leaves roots pungent. Root is widely used in cooking.

Ziziphus jujuba

Tree, drooping branches, flakey bark, small spines, leaves three nerved, dark above light beneath. Ability to grow in arid zones.
